Here are the directions from the Island Health Spa near the intersection of West Buffalo St. and Taughannock Blvd:
Proceed North on Taughannock Boulevard (Route 89) for 8 miles You'll see a "Scenic Byway" sign on the right.
Slow down, you're almost at the driveway, which is on the right after the second guardrail and just before the third guardrail following the Byway sign. There is a large "L" in red reflectors on our mailbox post on the left side of the road just before the driveway. There are signs at the top of the driveway, including “Clement," "1655," and "1651." For those GPS'ing it, the coordinates are 42.53839N, 76.58938W.
When you turn into the driveway, please go very slowly. The paved driveway is one-lane and steep, and there may be people walking.
If you get to Taughannock Park, you've gone about a half mile too far. Turn around and come back, turning left into the driveway immediately after a guardrail and marked by two vertical yellow reflective strips on the far edge of the driveway when you are coming from the North.